It has come to the Boards attention that the rules for recycling are not being followed by some owners. This has caused a foul stench and swarms of flies at the recycle bins. Recent discoveries in one recycle bin revealed dirty food containers, bagged recyclables, and yes, even a plastic bag of dog excrement. How disgusting is that! Proper recycling is … Read More
Dryer Vent Cleaning Reminder
All unit owners are responsible for the timely cleaning of clothes dryer vents. Proper cleaning includes the outside exhaust vents AND the dryer hose in back of the machine. Many times this is overlooked. Failure to properly clean the dryer vents and hoses greatly increase the chance of a fire which can cause considerable damage.
Reminder From The Board of Directors – Renovations
REMINDER: Most renovations require Board approval through an Architectural (ARC) Form. Refer to Forms. All forms must be sent to: [email protected] least 30 days prior to work beginning.